Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm in Australia!! So happy to be here! My blog is called "ula in asia" but I hope Aussies won't mind, it's just that "ula in asia AND AUSTRALIA" would be too long ;)
My first stop was Sydney. I stayed with my friend Adam who showed me around and told what to see in Oz. It was a great feeling to stay for 10 days in one place, have a hot shower and no bed bugs bites!
In Sydney I've seen magnificent Opera House, went to a zoo, footy match, Bondi Beach (where I've seen dolphins!) and Blue Mountains.
Sydney is beautiful, especially the harbour. It's very clean and modern. The architecture is so different then in Europe. All the buildings (maybe apart from the Rocks - kind of an old town) are so new. Since Australia has multicultural society, there are many shops and restaurants from all over the world which makes it even more interesting. I had a great time in Sydney!


Nareszcie w Australii! Musze przyznac ze nieustanny upal, swedzenie po ukaszeniach owadow i nachalni sprzedawcy zaczynali mi juz dokuczac po ponad miesiacu w Azji.
Moim pierwszym przystankiem w Australii jest Sydney. Mieszkalam u kolegi - Adama, ktory pokazal mi miasto i powiedzial co warto zobaczyc w Australii.
Oczywiscie, zwiedzilam Opere, poszlam do zoo zobaczyc kangurki, koale... Poszlismy na mecz futbolu australijskiego, 4h spacer po plazach nad oceanem (widzialam delfinki!) oraz Blue Mountains.
Sydney bardzo mi sie podobalo, szczegolnie przystan z opera w tle. Niemal wszystkie budynki wygladaja jak nowe. Poniewaz Australijczycy to emigranci z calego swiata, pelno jest sklepow i restauracji ze wszystkich czesci globu.

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